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Impact Craters

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The craters Takel and Cozobi are featured in this image of Ceres from NASA's Dawn spacecraft. Takel is the young crater with bright material on the left of this image, and Cozobi is the sharply defined crater just below center.



Grade Levels

Grades 5-8, Grades 9-12


Space Science, Solar System and Planets, Earth's Moon


Hands-on Activities, Videos

Create your own impact craters! When astronauts visit the Moon for the Artemis III missions, they will be able to study the craters that may contain water and ice. Testing and studying these craters may help NASA identify areas on the Moon that are rich in water and other resources to determine how to best use those materials while on the lunar surface.

Impact Craters [1MB PDF file]

This activity is part of the Exploring the Moon Educator Guide.

Hands-on Activity Demonstration