Task Developing and Validating Sensor-based Measurement Strategies for Team Member Selection
Last Published:  12/05/23 01:53:59 PM (Central)
Short Title: Team Member Selection
Responsible HRP Element: Human Factors and Behavioral Performance
Collaborating Org(s):
Funding Status: Active - Currently funded and in progress
Procurement Mechanism(s):

The specific aims of this study are:

  1. Using traditional methods of competency assessment, generate construct and criterion validity evidence for individual and team LDSE behavioral competencies in the NASA ground-based analog (i.e., HERA), and clinical residency program analogs.
  2. Develop unobtrusive and sociometric indices of individual and team LDSE behavioral competencies, and generate construct and criterion validity evidence in the three target analog environments.
  3. Develop an open architecture system for integrating sensor-based measurement systems and extracting sociometric indices of individual and team LDSE competencies.
  4. Develop guidelines for the use of sociometric measures in selection.